Development of a cycle of conferences called “Experiences on Hydrogen Technologies”, throughout the year, various conferences with the participation of Scientifics and Researchers of other research centers are held.
The main objective of this activity is to show the experience in R&D of the hydrogen applications of researchers belong to other research centers, with the intention of learning the techniques and different alternatives that they perform in their job centers as well as promoting the scientific vocations and sparking the curiosity and the interest of the students who participate.
In 2017, the conferences, which have taken place in the CNH2, have been:
- “Uso de electrospinning para aplicaciones energéticas: Electrohilado y electrodeposición”. PhD. Carolina Herradón Hernández, Researcher at University Andrés Bello (Chile). 02/03/2017
- “Modelado dinámico y diagnóstico de fallos de pilas de combustible PEM de baja temperatura”. PhD. Miguel Ángel Rubio González and PhD. Enrique Martínez, (Computer and Automation Department) Departamento de Informática y Automática (DIA), at UNED. 06/04/2017
- ”Ballard Power System Inc. – Power to change the world”. Yane Laperche-Riteau, Business Development Director, Ballard Power System Inc. 07/04/2017.
- “Laboratorio Nacional de Tecnologías del H2 en México: Diseño y Avances”. Rosa de Guadalupe González Huerta, Titular laboratorio de Electroquímica y Corrosión de la Escuela Superior de Ing. Química e Industrias extractivas at Instituto Politécnico Nacional. 25/04/2017
- “Estudio de mercado de electrolizadores alcalinos en México”. Juan Manuel Sandoval Pineda, Professor Researcher at IPN. 25/04/2017.
- “Producción de hidrógeno mediante electrólisis PEM. Posibles usos del hidrógeno mediante electrólisis PEM”. Verónica Mesa, Responsible of Engineering in the company H2B2. 17/05/2017
- “Aplicaciones catalíticas para el almacenamiento de hidrógeno en forma de líquidos orgánicos”. José A. Mata Martínez, Researcher in the Instituto de Materiales Avanzados at University Jaume I. 27/10/2017.
- “Producción bioelectroquímica de hidrógeno a partir de aguas residuales”. Albert Guisasola. Researcher of the Chemical Engineering Department at University Autonoma de Barcelona. 09/11/2017.
- “HYACINTH- HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase”. PhD. Emilio Nieto Gallego. Director of the Centro Nacional del Hidrógeno (CNH2). 20/11/2017.
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